星期三, 十二月 31, 2008

The end of year 2008! 2008年结束了!

2008 is a year full of sorrows. A lot of people are suffering from the Economic Tsunami caused by the losing credibility of the financial system in the U.S due to the sub-prime crisis. The negative effect of this man made disaster is likely to continue in the coming few years. Fortunately many countries are showing positive attitude to work among all of them together to overcome this problem as soon as possible. I hope the level of confidence will restore next year, which is year 2009. I wish everyone a good year of 2009!







星期一, 十二月 29, 2008






星期二, 十二月 23, 2008


Finally my WBI adapter for Kenan (a finance system built by Accenture) has gone for PRODUCTION last week. I thought after that everything will be fine. However...

I hit the Tuxedo connection error again. The murderer is the Tuxedo client library again! This time i migrated the jar version that i edited and put to the one at production server. It did not work! I was panicked!

Luckily i deployed the system earlier than the agreed time and i discovered the problem earlier. I still had the whole night trying to fix the problem. I went back and worked from home until 1 something in the morning. Finally i got the solution which is i have to set TUXEDO relevant environment variables at either my startup script or my user's profile (.profile). (It's AIX machine)

I went to bed after that. 4am in the morning i was awakened by a call from maxis staff to stand by for testing before production. What frustrated me most is a lot of tables and database objects are not granted with enough privileges. This problem has been troubling me till the morning.

Also, a lot of late requirements came out only after the users found out some data integrity issue. That even worsened the problem.

The fight continued until 5 something in the late afternoon next day. The client decided to switch to a backup plan. Thus the production was announced failed.

星期日, 十二月 14, 2008
















  1. 如何正确的看待风水。很多人认为风水能帮人发达,其实非也。相反的,风水能帮人调整健康,使家庭和谐,让人做事无后顾之忧,专注在事业上,赚钱能力亦因此而提高。我是蛮赞同此说法。黄老师说人分五种命。如出生于富贵之家,八字再差亦不会差到哪里去。如出生与贫穷家庭,则有好八字亦不足矣,因为机会会因环境而减少啊。黄老师强调看相要看面相配合身体相方准。
  2. 在第二讲,老师说到脸型与身体对命运非常重要。老师亦说贫穷阶级人士莫慌,只要入对行就能摆脱困境!老师也提供了一些“提示”。2009年凡住家大门向北、东、西有必要粘上五个铜钱。那五个铜钱必须直排。又说到他曾于2001年出版了“黄炜伦传奇”,未卜先知道出了许多近年来发生的事。例子是马华公会的大乱。此事我不甚了解,有待考证。
  3. 第三讲是高潮,老师抽签选出了五位幸运儿为他们现场算命!老师作了很多的“假设”然后问当事人对不对。当事人反应说明老师说得蛮准。当然这很难说,有些人可能不想透露太多私事于大众而点头称对。老师也说得蛮详细的,例如说其中一位女当事人过去有两位男友等等。还蛮神奇啊!
  4. 第四节老师大胆的猜测2009年欧元区或欧盟会分裂!而马来西亚南北皆不利!老师又一一道出了何处该从事什么事业及运势到何时等等。


星期二, 十二月 09, 2008





当然甘地的死也不仅仅因为他允许建立了一个穆斯林国家。另有一个原因是因为甘地并没极力劝说英国殖民当局放了另外一个独立运动英雄-巴加星格!当时巴加星格因策划了几宗争对英国殖民当局的暴力行动而被捕入狱,并于独立前夕被处决! 甘地的见死不救也触怒了一堆人。



星期六, 十一月 29, 2008









星期一, 十一月 03, 2008

Mahathir's greatest contribution to Malaysia

Mahathir actually had done something good to the nation. He had limited the power of Sultans and Kings. This is extremely important as nobody in this world should be entitled for privileges. Imagine if these people abuse their right. What will happen? Justice will not prevail!

Thanks to Mahathir for this contribution.

I hope eventually in this world, we will no longer see something like queen, king blar blar. That is nonsense. Why shall we be honored when some other 'human' grant us some 'order' or 'award'? If we deserve it then we will know. We do not need somebody out there to acknowledge our contribution. Sun Yat Sen of China made a good move. Instead of trying to bring in Constitutional Monarchy, he made the country as the Republic! Yes, everyone deserves equal right!!!

Free RPK candle light gathering

I attended the candlelight gathering at the field in front of Amcorp Mall. I was late. My friend introduced me to RPK's wife Marianna Lee. It was raining so the gathering was called off. Some of us went to AMW for chit chat. It was great. I came to know that quite a number of people out there are keen to see RPK to be freed! He should not be detained under ISA law. ISA law should be used to stop terrorism! The government has abused it. I do not think RPK will organise a team of armed forces to overturn the government! He just wants to send some murderers out there to the jail! These murderers deserve to be imprisoned or even hung!

One guy told us he always puts on his Free RPK shirt regardless of where he goes. He said sometimes he will see people showing thumbs up to him! He has a great courage as not many of us dare to do that. Perhaps if everyone of us does that, the now rotten government will know it will have to go on to the right track. It will know it should stop producing rubbish. It will know every Malaysians contribute to this nation and every Malaysians deserve an equal right.

星期日, 十一月 02, 2008













星期一, 十月 13, 2008

Should i change job again?

Recently i was sent to a Telco company to service them. I will have to be based at there for a long time. I was very shocked on the first day that i need to take over a colleague's task that is in testing phase and he is going to fly off 3 days later! I did not expect something like this could happen. It should be well arranged in such a big corporation. They could not just get some one new in and expected the him to fix problems asap! A proper hand over must be done and the process should be given a proper timeline but not to make it like cooking instant noodle! The project could fail due to something like this! If i need work have a few late nights i do not mind but the quality will not be guaranteed! That is for sure, that's happening to everyone especially when a project has to be completed in hurry. Normally the project would end up being delayed due to lots and lots of bugs! How can you give birth to a baby in 9 months???

What most frustrated me was, last Friday 4 somthing the client's manager showed some problesm to me and expected me to fix it! I told him directly that i did not really have the idea of what he was trying to explain to me of the problem! Well, that is ok. I can liase with my colleague back in The Philipines. But, this manager kept calling and asking the status. I was frustrated. My sickness nearly came back again! He made me very tension. He should have trusted me more! If things continue this way i would consider to leave this big corporation!

I am looking forward to further my Master study and focus on research & development field. I believe that is something i want. Wish me good luck!

星期日, 十月 05, 2008









星期六, 九月 27, 2008




根據他所言,在800年前他信奉回教(中國稱為清真教)的祖先,從中國到來印尼爪哇傳播回教,也把當時中國的少林武藝帶過來,揉合了爪哇武藝而演變成爪哇的“Selendang Merah”武術。



星期一, 九月 22, 2008












human can migrate to South Pole?

The world's largest lake lies beneath the South Pole mainland. Not only one, but many others. Also, you can find streams or rivers there too!

Based on all these facts, people start to wonder if there are other civilizations or other creatures?

In the 16th century, a Turkey general drew a map. Nobody knew what land he drew about. After some time scientists discovered that it was actually a bird-eye's view map of the South Pole mainland! Why was he able to draw the map? Some more it is a bird-eye's view map! It is beyond our imagination. Does it mean this general flew over the South Pole mainland? If so, how did he do that?

In additional, there are a lot of enormous creatures living at the South Pole sea! A plesiosaur body was found on 11th October 2006 near one of the South Pole islands! This creature is very much like the frequent spotted Nice water creature.

Below are some interesting stuff:

In year 1962, a Soviet submarine found a strange man-fish creature boy in pacific near Cuba. The boy told them there are creatures like him living below the pacific ocean.

The Sumerian worshiped a half man fish creature.

On 1930, a bird mouth man was found in Estonia.

On 1825 & 1972, during a military exercise, the army suddenly noticed a USO(unidentified sea object) bursting out from the thick iceberg at 7 degree! At that moment every machine & electronic devices stopped operating for sometime! It appeared that that phenomenon had caused a blackout to the surrounding area!

In Africa, green skin tribe were found! Yes you are right, they have green skin! They claimed that their ancestors are from Uranus. They worshiped a triphibian creature! It can live in water, on land and it can fly!

There are so many things out there for us to find out! My respect to all scientists and archeologists! I wish one day i may contribute as well. I want to join you guys.

Pyramid In Eygpt

Wow! I just discovered some interesting facts about the 3 pyramids at Giza.

They are actually corresponding to The Orion and Nel River is actually corresponding to The Orion Galaxy.

The distance among the 3 pyramids are according to the golden proportional rule: 1 to 1.168!!

The pyramid is also a small model that simulates our solar system and earth!

The pyramid is built at an angle of 52 degree. It means, if you are standing on the peak of the Pyramid, you would not know there is strong wind at below.

Bear in mind that The Pyramid in Egypt is located at the north attitude at 30 degree, which is where a lot of great discovering of ancient civilization were found!

Also, on the Mars, there is a human face very much similar to The Sphinx and there are 5 things very much like the Pyramid. There are more mathematical facts about that. I can not list them one by one here now due to time constraints. You can find out yourselves.

More to find out!



今天他谈了命理学的作用。他举了个很好的例子,我在这里大概的简短说明。 他说命理学就像气象学,气象学提供有用的资讯如刮风、打雷等等于渔夫们,但此学并不能告诉渔夫今天能有多少鱼获及等等。命理学亦如是。它能告诉人们高潮及低潮期,至于人们能不能于高潮期顺流而上则看他们的造化了。同样的,如没必要,就别在低潮期尝试逆流而上,以防得不偿失。





Japanese Invansion to Malaya during WW2

Just read an article interviewing an old man who managed to survive during Japanese Occupation in Malay during World War 2.

There is a part where he said there were a lot of Japanese businessmen back then. They turned into some major or sergeant after Japanese army conquered Malaya. That is their real identity.

This reminds me one story that my English tuition teacher told us before: When he was still a kid, there was this Japanese old businessman neighbor who always gave him & his fellow playmates sweets. To them, he was just another kind old man. The kids were joyful. They liked this old guy very much. In the end, only they found out his real identity is spy. He did not say or he was not sure of what did the guy do as a spy tough. The memory that he got was the old guy was good. Like any grandpa that me and you can see anywhere on each day.

At the end of the article, Mr Wu, the interviewer, criticized the militarism mindset that is still haunting the Japanese. They never really feel "they are wrong" about the occupation. This kind of thought is scary. My personal opinion, those who were involved in those evil deed should sincerely apologize to their victims and start treasure the harmony from today onwards. After all, it is a value of what the Japanese Buddhism Group Sokko Kadai have been promoting.

Japan will win more respect from its surrounding neighbours if they really sincerely apologize.

星期六, 九月 20, 2008

Back to old tech? Oh no...

So today, i met Lim KY. He is a project manager. He is currently handling a bank system project team. I am not sure what system is that but i was told it is already a phase 2 project. I may take part in the UAT session of phase 2, and phase 3 too.

After bidding farewell to him, i asked one of the team members what technology they use. Unfortunately they are using those obsolete technologies such as Java 1.4, EJB2, Struts 1.2 and so on. Oh no, not even using Object Relational Framework or Dependency Injection Framework. I need to dig deeper in those areas. I want to try out JBoss Seam, more Spring, EJB3, more Hibernate and so on. I need to sharpen those. Now my dream will likely break. I know it is normal for a client like bank to use those technology they are comfortable with because they are proved to be stable. So i can not blame. I am wondering if i shall talk to my manager to avoid working on something i do not like.

I do not know how long will the phase 3 last. I just know that working in this project will not offer me a chance to travel to oversea. That is what i am looking forward to: to communicate with oversea colleagus or clients, i want to improve on that part. Furthermore now i am going to use the obsolete technologies. It is a double blow to me. I do not want to waste my time doing things i do not like. I want to achive my goal as soon as possible before i get married. As you guys out there know, normally man will lose lots of freedom after getting married. Sorry, i should say this phenomenon is common in Asia.

Wish me good luck.

Are we from Mars?

The human face on Mars. The pyramid on Mars. The water on Mars.

Is there any life on Mars?

Can human move to Mars?

Are we actually from Mars? As there are so many ancient legends telling us the 'spaceship' story?

If we are from Mars, then what had actually happened to Mars back then? Why our Mars ancestors chose to move to Earth? Where did water on Earth come from?

Is there really an ocean beneath the Mars land surface? Will we discover life in there?

Those Mars machines were washed by rains? Why they look so clean all the time? What has caused this? The rain?

bomber & cowboy on the moon?

Neil Armstrong saw many footsteps on the moon when he made his first step on the it. this particular part was removed by NASA from the video because it was too shocking! Who made those footprints? Years later those moon astronauts claimed that they saw all kinds of weird things outside the spaceship while on their way to moon. What are those weird things? They claimed that they were being trailed by some unidentified flying object. What was that? Fortunately they managed to make it to the moon. Nevertheless, there is something shocking, a Soviet satellite saw an American WW2 bomber on the moon before! Sometimes it was there and sometimes it disappeared suddenly! Besides that, at a different time, a dead cowboy was also seen on the moon! Did all these 'earth' things travel through some special 'tunnel' ???

In spite of that, a Soviet spaceship was reported vanish before during the space competition between Soviet and the U.S period. Before the spaceship was gone, the crew said the spaceship was surrounded by some kind of 'light'. Interesting isn't it?

When can we know all the truth? Are we really being supervised by some unidentified being? If so, why did they allow The U.S spaceship to land on the moon? Does NASA ever land on the moon? or it was just a show so that the news can be seen as a victory over Soviet?

Please let us know the truth. It something that every human has to know.

星期五, 九月 19, 2008

Great conversation with friends

I had a gathering with my university mates at 1U on 17 September 2008, which is a holiday in Selangor. We had a great conversation.

We talked about religions. One of my friend, who is a Methodist, said his Christian fellow will get angry every time he questions on the logic of certain Christian teachings. For example, if there are only heaven and hell for human to go to after death, then the number of being in hell is surely greater than the number of being in heaven as the rule to the heaven is so strict. Then the power of devil who governs the hell is surely greater than 'god' who governs the heaven. That is only one of many relevant topics that we discussed. Of course we did not only talk about Christian, but other religions as well.

We concluded that religion is a system. A system will surely have logical flaws. Of course we do not know if there is something that is beyond the logical flaw but for certain if based on the current knowledge we have, nothing can really explain the logical flaw of every religion or every system. It is a universal law.

星期三, 九月 17, 2008

Ugly King Of Thai

The King of Thai is another ugly one. I really think he explains why the monarchy system should be abolished. Monarchy emphasizes "privilege" be given to a minority group - the noble one who is actually a normal human like us.

In the past 60 years the military "coup de tat" always happened with the secret approval from the King of Thai whenever his great wealth is being threatened by the government then. Just check the history of the "coup de tat" that happened in year 1981, 1985 and 2006. It is all about money. The government and King of Thai are just playing games and the people who live in poverty are the one suffering the most.

The current biggest opposition party in Thailand very much support the idea to increase service tax, to reduce the cost that is meant to help people living in poverty and to set a limit to suppress the working salary of the labor. You know what? The king of Thailand supports this idea!!! He is "indeed" a good king!!!

In short, i think, nobody should enjoy the so called 'privilege'. The royalties are born as normal human too. They are like us. Nothing different. So, please please everyone of you help abolish the monarchy system. First of all, let us pull down the one in British first. That one really makes me sicked.















星期一, 九月 15, 2008

unknown histories about Singapore

Watched a documentary that talks about some unknown history Singapore.

When Singapore was expelled from Malaysia, Lee Kuan Yew was crying after hearing the news from radio. He was sad because he did not have a clear direction for his 'child', which is Singapore to go for. Nobody looked good on Singapore at that time as it was only a third world country port without any natural resources. Back then, it was really a tough job for Lee Kuan Yew.

At that time there were 3 isolated countries in the world: Israel, Republic of China(Taiwan) & South Africa. Therefore Lee Kuan Yew seeked for help from the RoC as he was a strong anti-communist politician. His relationship with the then President of RoC 'Jiang Jing Guo' was close. The good relationship started even before Jiang Jing Guo took over the president seat. Lee Kuan Yew visited RoC very frequently then. The rate was about once or more than once per year. Each time Jiang Jing Guo treated him as special guest.

Lee Kuan Yew's visit to Taiwan was not of no intention. Political system wise he adopted a lot of RoC's ideas as RoC is one of the Repulic in Asia then. RoC even helped build Singapore military system by sending a few good officers who later became important military officers in Singapore. Of course the help was not without any reward. Singapore helped RoC to purchase weapons and did a number of kind of sensitive things. It also became the 'international representative' of RoC as RoC's diplomacy was defeated badly by People's Republic of China then. RoC would always get Singapore's help to transmit messages to the worldwide.

Singapore's idea of welcoming talented people from worldwide are actually originated from RoC as well. In year 1985 Singapore was facing serious economic growth problem. The world's economic turned bad, the atmosphere was very much like the one right now. Singapore's economic growth percentage of that year was 0%! It was a big blow to Lee Kuan Yew. While his good friend the RoC managed to achieve a 6%! Lee Kuan Yew asked Jiang Jing Guo why his country was able to do that. jiang jing Guo said it's due to the policy of encouraging talented people to come to Taiwan and also due to the government's policy of encouraging creative and innovation in technology. Lee Kuan Yew was impressed and he quickly went to RoC for a toru of obversation. He spent a few days in the technology park! His earnest attitude impressed a lot of RoC officers. He brought back all the ideas to Singapore and immediately applied them and nowadays it is even doing much better than the RoC now.

I never expect Lee Kuan Yew believe in Feng Shui. The story is: Back into year 1997, the economic downturn came like a strong wind and defeated a lot of countries in Asia. Singapore was hit as well. Then the Feng Shui consultant of Singapore suggested that each Singaporean had to carry a 'Ba Gua' (Chinese ancient 'Eight Trigram'). The problem was: how to get every Singapore to carry that kind of awkward thing? Hence the government came out with an idea, which is to put the 'Ba Gua' in the 1 dollar coin! If you notice, the 'Ba Gua' was actually put into all 1 dollar coins that were published after year 1997!

Lee Kuan Yew strongly believes that dictatorship would help growing a country by ensuring a stable political environment. He objected jiang Jing Guo's idea of allowing 'democracy' to his country. However Jiang Jing Guo did not listen to him and now RoC's democracy was quite a role of model for the Asia countries.

Well, i am glad to be able to know this history.

星期日, 九月 14, 2008

Happy mid-autumn festival 中秋节快乐!

The mid-autumn festival is one of the 4 major festivals of the Chinese. You may refer to the complete description of this festival here

The other 3 important festivals are the Chinese New Year(Spring Festival), the Qing Ming Festival (means Clear & Bright) and the Duan Wu Festival.

Luckily this year it falls on Sunday. Therefore i managed to reunite with my family members on this day. Reunion on the full moon day means everything to Chinese family.

It is quite unfortunate that it was raining in the night so i could not see the beautiful moonlight. Anyway i had seen it the day before. The scene was weird. Clouds were gathering around the full moon and the moonlight penetrated through the thick clouds. You could see rainbow ring surrounding the full moon. Fascinating!

Happy mid-autumn festival to you guys out there! Hope you guys will complete your whatever things out there as full moon means complete!

星期一, 九月 08, 2008

New Employee Orientation

Well, i joined IBM Malaysia eventually. The first few weeks were just quite bored. I am not given any assignment. Today i attended the New Employee Orientation. I learned something here!

I realized the power of 'innovation'!

We were put in different groups. The trainer was asking us to play a game. Each of the group member has to touch 4 balls in sequence. He demonstrated the normal way we did it and asked us to improve the process.

The game was so interesting. Initially we achieved a 5 seconds record. He was not satisfied and in the end we managed to finish the task within 1 second!

That's the power of 'innovation' , 'think'


星期四, 八月 07, 2008








星期二, 七月 29, 2008

The way Islamic countries treat women

Women in Islamic countries are suffering from a lot of restrictions which are so against the humanity. Women in these countries have to cover from their head till leg! This kills the woman's right of choosing costume freely. Some countries that practices the Islamic fundamentalism even do not allow women to get involved in social activities. For example women are prohibited from working!! Women who participate in sports have to make sure that they do not expose any parts of their body besides head! Imagine if a Muslim lady takes part in swimming or gymnastic or beach volleyball! Certainly she will be forced to dress up a lot or she is even not allowed to take part in the game anymore.

Ironically, the men from these countries are curious about woman's body. They enjoy sex. They enjoy prostitution. Men from Islamic countries enjoy typing 'SEX' in Google!(According to a survey done in year 2007 or 2006 i can't remember exactly) Yet they want their women to cover up their body so that these men will not commit any sex crimes against these women. Ain't it funny! Think carefully, the problem actually falls back to men. It is up to the men themselves to control their behaviors rather than to ask women to do something that help reduce the lust of the men! If we are decent, if we do not have obscene thinking in our mind, it does not bother us if a nude lady is standing right in front of us. Is it really unfair to ask the ladies to cover up their hairs so that to protect themselves from being attacked by men. That is ridiculous! Why blame the lady instead of man???

All the ridiculous things that these Islamic countries do are certainly losing respect from the non-Muslim. They will think that Islam is an extreme and a barbarous religion. If Islam wants to earn more believers, Muslims should promote Islam reputation by doing good deeds such as giving respects to women, to drop the old time punishments such as 'throw stone till death' and so on. Please let the non-Muslims know what are the good teachings in Islam. That will help convince the non-Muslims to turn themselves into Muslims.

So far i think Turkey has done a good job of trying to maintain its nation status as a secular country! I think all the other Islamic countries should learn from Turkey anyway.

星期三, 七月 23, 2008


































星期日, 七月 20, 2008

华侨旗帜、民族光辉 - 陈嘉庚先生





最难能可贵的还是, 陈老先生在生意上历经波浪还是屹立不倒!他历经了数个生意危机,包括令人闻之色变、影响重大的1920年代经济大萧条!无论如何,后来他都能咬紧牙关,一一奋战到底。终于他的坚持有所回报,可谓皇天不负苦心人。要从挫折中重新爬起,说易行难,所以如能亲得陈老先生的教诲,终身必受用不尽!






星期六, 七月 19, 2008

Job is not our life!

Came across an article talking about there are more and more people not to prioritize job in their life. I like this excerpt:

In other words, I know firsthand how futile utter devotion to a job can be in the long run. I still want to do well in my job. I still want to be on the cutting edge of things. But I don’t want to work 16 hours a day to maintain that edge. It’s just not worth it. Or maybe it’s kind of worth it, but it wouldn’t win out in a head-to-head competition with my kid, my husband, my elderly father, and the rest of the hoodlums that make up my extended family.
It explains what i want to explain all this while.






澳洲,个人看好是未来之星! 它将继美国之后崛起!







星期五, 七月 18, 2008










星期一, 七月 14, 2008

Our ex prime minister encouraged genocide?

This fella. I am speechless. Look at what he has written on his blog.


Hey old man, you yourself are not the indigenous too! Your blood is not pure anyway. All of our PMs do not have pure Malay blood!! This is the fact!

Think about it! Without all the so called foreigners, do you sincerely think Malaysia can be the Malaysia today? I believe it will be another Cambodia or Laos...or even Myammar.

I can not deny that may be a large number of the first generation Chinese or Indian in Malaya did not think that Malaya is their home country! Well this can be explained because they were not born in Malaya. They were encouraged by the British to come over to this land. They just wanted to get rich and then returned to their homeland!

By the way, who do you think had robbed most of the resources in Malaya all this time? It is The British, the Netherlands, and Portugal! They were the real conquerors. Come on old man, please fire them instead of those innocent ones like Chinese and Indian, they did not get rich by robbing or killing the indigenous! Instead, the non indigenous had won numerous awards in sports events for Malaysia! How could you deny their contribution! Look at badminton, which race takes the majority since decades ago? Also, the non indigenous take the main role in a lot of woman sports as the indigenous are strongly restricted by the "law of religion" in terms of dress code! So, tell me, did the non indigenous contribute to Malaysia?

Also, please ask yourself, would the British allow Malaysia to be independent without the fight from the Chinese and Indian community? Do not forget that our independence were resulted from the cooperation of 3 major races in Malaya which were the Malay, the Chinese and the Indian!

Your words in your blog definitely would not help improve the current political climate in Malaysia! Please do not start your racist statement again! If you want to get rid of all the Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians, please bear the consequences because you will certainly not be benefited from that! The people will hate you so much!! It will be a big blow to the nation's economy. Malaysia will step backward for 50 years!!!

So, please keep your mouth shut, old man!

星期日, 七月 13, 2008

This is 21st century

Had a chat with friend. Were talking about investment. I complaint that buying a house basically means being put in prison for whole life because you owe to bank for 20-30 years!!! You are going to lose your freedom. Anyway, why should we think of getting a house as an investment? Yes it may have been the best way for the previous generation for investment but it may not seem to be as important as it was now! Nowadays we have plenty of ways to invest our money. For e.g. trust fund. In old time people did not buy trust fund! Well I am talking about people in Malaysia. Nowadays there are plenty of trust funds for us to choose. One advantage of buying trust fund is you are always guaranteed the liquidity! You will not enjoy the same level of liquidity if you are buying a house as you need time to get someone who is willing to offer the price that you are expecting to buy your house. Else it is going to be a burden to you because every month you have to allocate certain percentage of your income to bank!




“昔加末”(Segamat)的名字源自马来文“segar”和“amat”,意即“非常新鲜”或“非常清爽”,若要追溯其典故和源头,则要从16世纪柔佛苏丹时期说起。有民间传说指“昔加末”之名乃当时的统治者苏丹阿末,亦即第一任苏丹所取。1511年,苏丹阿末与随从在一河边休息时,极度干渴的苏丹命令随从从清澈见底的河中取水饮用后,即刻感到神清气爽,舒解了长途跋涉导致的全身酸痛,于是说了一句:“Segar amat(非常清爽)!”一旁的宰相敦德博也有同感,因此就将该地区命名为“Segamat”。隶属森美兰州管辖的昔加末受英国殖民地政府统治,一直道1901年才成为柔佛州管辖地区,并成为8大县之一,也是州内主要的农业原产品区,面积达2千851.26平方公里,人口共17万8千620,是个历史悠久的小镇,古迹保留得相当完整。


昔加末县分为南北两地,小小昔加末是县内最主要的城市,也是主要的经济集中的地,县内人口虽以马来民族居多,但主要的经济地却以华人为主,较著名和特别的旅游景点包括拉美士的天然温泉、双溪大港的断桥、苏丹的度假别墅、榴连广场、农业旅游景点和原住民居住的双溪班当(Sungai Bantang)休闲森林。



小镇小食别有一番独特风味,阿芝路小贩中心的辣椒烧鱼、对望昔加末河的哈山路的肉骨茶以及昔加末峇鲁花园的印度传统小食“纸煎饼”(paper tosai),都是不可错过的美食




购物中心 Billion、Derang Emas、顶好及拉美士购物中心

酒店/旅馆 彩虹酒店(Hotel Sri Pelangi)、昔加末度假酒店(Villa Hotel Segamat)、和平旅馆(Hotel Harmony)、文化旅馆(Mandarin Hotel)、The Pine Classic Inn

巴也朗高尔夫球俱乐部(Paya Lang Golf Club)及昔加末高尔夫球俱乐部(Segamat Country Club)警察局、消防局、医院、移民厅、邮政局、关税局、马电讯、公共交通站

星期四, 七月 10, 2008









星期二, 七月 01, 2008










星期日, 六月 22, 2008

Finally, i quit 终于辞职了

16th July 2008 will be my last day in XXX.

This time is real. I have spent my 4 years here. Now, it is time to go.

Being the first company in my life, i will not forget the memories with it.

Memory in Kulai, Melaka, Singapore...

In fact, since XXX left, i have already lost my mood to work. I became more quiet. I am not interested in having frequent interaction with new colleagues anymore.

It was back in year 2006. Basically, after that, i think i had wasted my time, until today.

I tried to look for the answer by having an 'escape' to Cambodia alone. Over there, i kept thinking and thinking. What actually lies ahead?

I think, i found the answer from famous ancient Chinese DAO Philosopher - Zhuang Zi (庄子)

He said:

Do not be afraid of anything you want to do when you are young, do not regret the things you have done when you are old.


星期一, 六月 16, 2008





星期五, 六月 06, 2008
















星期四, 六月 05, 2008

Malaysia government: "No money for petrol subsidy"!


Please Barisan National government.

See what have you done in the past!

So many white elephant projects!!! A few billions of Ringgit were gone like that!!!

Come on, and now you say you have to remove the petrol subsidy!!!

We produce petrol man! Malaysia produces petrol man!

We people deserve cheap petrol! Please, no more white elephants, ok!

星期五, 五月 30, 2008








·2001年初,马哈迪连续几次接见马来武术团体,强调它们在保障民族强大方面的贡献,带有向非马来人下马威的意味;与此同时,却不断发表弱化马来社群自信的言论,为了掩饰本身的过错,指责马来人不长进(haprak),忘恩负义(tidak berhutang budi),善忘(Melayu mudah lupa),等等。

或许我错怪了黄泉安,因为他可能指的是马哈迪的“2020年宏愿”(Wawasan 2020)和“马来西亚国族”(Bangsa Malaysia)等目标,但马哈迪的2020宏愿其实不过彰显了他好大喜功的个性。黄泉安的同僚刘镇东就曾引述首相署的数字,指出马哈迪为了打造布特拉再也花了马币两亿一百万元!至于另一姐妹计划赛柏再也(Cyberjaya),十年下来依然问津者寡,熟悉电脑工业的黄泉安没理由不清楚。




星期四, 五月 29, 2008

Busy and depressing week!

Since last week i have been working on a data migration project. I am supposed to get it done before the system went live last Friday. However due to the totally different table structure of the old database, the data migration unfortunately did not go smooth. Since then i have been working like hell to get the data correct till now.

What makes me most frustrated is i always need to take some moments to perform a few steps to test my correction! I have already done my best to simplify the steps!

This process has resulted me to only have a very little hours of sleeping time for a few days continuously!

I hope it can quickly goes live asap!

So now, back to Work!!! back to Work!!!!

星期二, 五月 27, 2008








在此,我不仅呼吁大家为蜀蕩哀悼,也呼吁大家别忘了诅咒那些印尼野蛮土著! 诅咒排华凶手们们死无葬身之地!

星期四, 五月 22, 2008








星期三, 五月 21, 2008











星期二, 五月 20, 2008












星期五, 五月 16, 2008

Finally stock market crossed 1300 points!

After having fluctuated for several weeks, finally KLSE(Malaysia Stock Exchange Market) soared to over 1,300 !!! It is the highest record since the tragedy on 10th March 2008!

Despite the good news of KLSE, over the 4 counters i am holding, 3 of them actually dropped today including the prominent Public Bank! Well, the decline does not really matter to me because overall my portfolio still generates a book yield. I would like to express my gratitude to the Public Bank! It has been performing very very well since the day i bought its shares.

I think my mutual funds' price will rise further following by today's good performance of KLSE. Looks like i am going to do another time of switching in a few weeks time.

Good day!

Political Intervention

Hey busy bodies out there, let me ask you, one day, i say i support Quebac to get independent from Canada, or Hawaii to get independant from the U.S or i say Kashmir belongs to Pakistan rather than India, what do you think? Will you say "hey you mind your own business!"

Well, if you know about this, then you should not do something like supporting Tibet to get independence from China and so on. Even tough i am not a citizen of China, but what matters is, i think that you guys are really busy body, just like you are asking me to mind my own business! i think you guys have some agenda behind right?

India, as a neighbour to China, invited Dalai Lama to be their guest and even allow him to run the activities in their land. Come on, if one day China say that Kashmir actually belongs to Pakistan and shows all kind of supports to Pakistan, what will India do? As a neighbour, those acts are really impolite! No manners!

My country is Malaysia but not China, so actually that does not matter to me. However when i read about those news, i really think it is unfair to China when the Western media or social activists support the Tibetan Independance movement. Do you think you have the right to ask people to follow your order? If we do the same thing to you such as saying that Scotland is not part of British, Alaska should get independence from the U.S. What do you think?

Don't be busy body, mind your own business!

What happen to Malaysia?

I am confused. Even tough i am born in Malaysia, but i am not entitled for all the benefits provided by the government!

Since 1970, the Malaysia government has strengthened its policy of restructuring the resource among different races. It categorizes Malaysian into 2 classes, the bumiputra and the non-bumiputra. If you are bumiputra(majority are Malays, the rest are natives in West Malaysia, p.s. all Malays are bumiputra, you are entitled to all kinds of government aids such as higher chance to study at local universities, lower price for a house, lower price for a car, you will be given loan to invest in government-launched mutual funds(imagine, loan interest rate is lower than the fund's interest, it is equivalent to give out money for FREE!), you are guaranteed to get the contracts from the government or government-linked companies and many more!

If you are born as non-bumiputra(Chinese take the majority, the rest are Indians and etc.), you can only dream about this!

In the 50's of last century, Malaysia used to be one of the most prosperous nations in Asia! It is a wonderful land. It has a lot of natural resources such as palm trees, rubber trees, petroleum and a lot more. The people here do not suffer from disasters such as earthquake, typhoon, volcano eruption and so on. Despite having an evil intention of robbing the resources here, British government undeniably introduced a good system here to administrate the nation. They trained a lot of Malays as public servants to assist them in running this country. They brought in Indians from their another colonized land India to work in rubber estates. They opened doors to Chinese to come to this land to work at tin mines and to run businesses. You can see everybody had put a lot of efforts to build a strong economy foundation for Malaysia.

In the 60's, Taiwan and South Korea were still way far behind us. A lot of Taiwan girls longed to get married with Chinese from the then called Malaya. However, they developed so fast and were categorized as the "4 little dragons" during the 80's in Asia! Today they produce so many famous brands such as Acer, BenQ, Asus, Samsung, Hyundai and etc. What do we have in Malaysia? Proton??? Come on, it is still a kid who needs protection from the government! It has been 30 years already! Bear in mind that our neighbors such as Vietnam and Thailand are ready to overtake us! Not to mention China, since years ago it was already ahead of us! They have famous brands nowadays too!

Why Malaysia progressed so slow?? Certainly it is due to the racist policy enforced by the government, to be more exact, from the biggest party in Malaysia which is UMNO. The politicians in UMNO exploit the policy to put most of the money into their own pocket. Then only they give out the remainder! They practiced favouritism. Tthat is why today there are still a lot of poor Malays here in this nation! How many Malay students who are sent to ovesea by Malaysia government did not complete their studies or prolonged their length of study? When you have something free easily, you normally will not appreciate so much!

I only saw government(or UMNO only) did nonsense to save those Malay tycoons during the economic crisis in year 1997! Imagine, due to poor management, a Malay tycoon caused a big corporation which is worth billions of Ringgit(Malaysia currency) to collapse, our cute government bought over the company at an unreasonable price which is few times higher than the company's share value then! Come on man! It's our money! The money belongs to we people!

More disappointing facts are, nowadays still some of the MP(member of parliament) shouting in the parliament to ask Chinese to get out from Malaysia! Come on man, do you think you have enough money to feed your people without Chinese here in Malaysia? To be honest, think about this, Chinese never live in this land, do you think Malaysia can progress so much? It could be today Malaysia is 30 years behind Thailand! How much money had Chinese contributed to Malaysia! Think about it before u said something so stupid!

Over so many years, how much taxes did Chinese pay to the government? How much did government use to do something that brings equal benefits to all Malaysians? Money have been spent to build a lot of Malay schools, contracts have been offered to the "Ali Baba" (a company that gets contracts or licenses and later sells to other companies, often it earns by doing nothing). Chinese have to sacrifice a lot so that they are able to send their children to universities! Chinese have to donate money to get the Chinese schools built! Chinese have to go to oversea such as Singapore to work! The fact is, up to today there are 2 millions of Chinese Malaysians working overseas! Most of them are high rank executives or experts from certain fields! Why does all this happen? Think about it! We are treated as 2nd class citizen! Imagine if these 2 millions of experts work for Malaysia, we could have progressed much more, could not we?

We love this land too! We love the 'varieties' here! Varieties of races, varieties of languages, varieties of food! Yeah! That is Malaysia!

Tell me, fellow Malays out there, is it fair to treat us non-bumiputras this way? Do you guys think that Malaysia will be good without the other races here? a

Is it fair that every public listed companies must give out 30% of their shares to the bumiputras?

The Malay special privilege policy only tells one thing, you guys are still weak and need protection.

Don't you guys feel ashamed? You guys want to be weak and be looked down on forever?

Do you guys know Malaysia is the only nation in this world that practices the policy that protect the majority races?!

Our government are feeding 75% of the Malaysian population with the fortune from the 35% of the population. How long can our nation stands when the fortune that can be 'robbed' from the 35% of the population is getting lesser and lesser?

Tell me!

星期四, 五月 15, 2008

Switched mutual fund to protect my profit!

After 22 months(almost 2 years) of buying Public Ittikal Fund, finally today i decided to switch to another fund to protect my profit.

The return rate of the fund is very impressive. It achieved a total return rate of around 39% which also means around 20% per year on average. Since the day i bought this fund i have been very confident of it as it has a handsome history. The statistics told me this fund is really worth to buy! Back then i really took a lot of time to actually study each funds and also compare each of them before i made my move.

Too bad i missed the golden moment last year. The fund raised so remarkably. At one time it even achieved an overall return rate of more than 40%! I damn regret now! I should have sold it off during that time! Well, one of my customer chose to sell his fund off last year. It so happened that he needed money during that time. Thus he managed to enjoy the 40%++ of return rate! Oh yes, he bought Public Ittikal too because i am the one who recommended this fund to him!

Luckily after the huge decline of the KLSE stock market due to the 'Political Tsunami' which took place on 8th of March 2008, Public Ittikal's price has been gradually restoring to the level which reflects its actual value.

The big drop of March really taught me a lesson. I decided not to be so greedy anymore. To me, 20% of return rate per year is considered a great achievement already. That's the standard practiced by Warren Buffet all this while!

After several days of serious thought, this noon i went to the nearest Public Mutual branch and did the switching. Anyway that was my first ever fund switching.

I switched the fund units to 2 different conservative profile funds.

星期三, 五月 14, 2008





Ali rustam had supper at Subaidah Cafe

Just now, I had my supper with my friend at one cafe called Subaidah. We spent there for around 2 hours more. When we were about to leave, we saw chief minister of the Melaka state, Ali Rustam came together with one of his friend. I think he just finished OT? Haha.

Anyway, as he showed up, a group of customers from the table next to us quickly dashed forward to shake hand with him. Wow! Do they really need to do that?

星期二, 五月 13, 2008











星期六, 五月 10, 2008

黃子講座 - 馬來西亞華人的前途







从黄子一个领域一个领域的分析来看,马来西亚的华人情况确实如热窝上的蚂蚁,身为华人的我,听了也是十分的惊心!其实,如时常阅报,就能发现现在最红的棕油业、石油业及银行业等等已有大把的马来商家参与了,华人已逐渐失去份额。 看看那些大集团的董事成员吧!事情就清楚了!



更何况还有人才磁铁 - 新加坡!好多马来西亚华侨都在那儿艰苦打拼啊!


3)黄子也说了一些不为人知的故事,前任财政部长拉萨里任职国油公司时,为国油在海外储备了大量的外汇!当97年金融风暴将临时,这笔外汇拯救了许多马来西亚的大型政府相关公司!减缓了风暴所带来的巨大冲击! 黄子觉得我们须感谢他!
















如今看来,时间迫切,为了我们的子孙, 惟有委屈少许,趁危机未来到时就逃之夭夭,顺便帮助亲朋戚友!避过劫难!


星期三, 四月 23, 2008




1 年= 260 天

20 个符号 * 13 个数字 = 260 天 (类似中国人的天干地支)

260 * 73 = 52 年



一。根达亚文明,(超能力文明)1米左右,男人有第三只眼,翡翠色,功能各有不同。有预测的,有杀伤力的等等。。。女人没有第三只眼,所女人害怕男人。但 是女人的子宫有能神的能力,女人怀孕前会与天上要投生的神联系,谈好了,女人才会要孩子。此文明毁于大陆沉没。




五。我们存在的文明 (情感的文明)会使用情感,于2012年12月冬至灭绝







第五个太阳纪是世界末日,当第五个太阳纪来临,太阳会 消失,大地剧烈摇晃,灾难四起,地球会彻底毁灭,


星期五, 四月 18, 2008







星期日, 三月 09, 2008





星期四, 三月 06, 2008

Very, very much blood shed in KLSE

Over the past few days, KLSE index dropped drastically. A few billions of RM just gone like that. It's like a dagger ripping my heart! Nobody like us (small investors) have ever expected this. Especially right now the general election is approaching!

The profit earned from both stock counters and funds last year soon turned into ashes.

So far, over the 3 stocks i am holding, 2 of them achieve a growth of 46.06% & 46.45% respectively. I have been holding these 2 stocks for 3 years already. It means on average, they have brought >14% profit each year. Well, the other one, which is the only one, causes me losses anyway! It's approaching one year and so far it causes loss at -17.37% ! Well, everything stated here is not the physical one as i have not yet sold the counters off!

星期二, 二月 05, 2008




满足吧!感恩吧!你身边的东西已经够好了, 你知道吗?

人家更尊重你? 因为你发大财了?恭喜,你会感到光荣、骄傲,但这喜悦是虚幻不实的,它并非永恒的。有一天你会失去它,然后你的痛苦是倍增的。



星期一, 二月 04, 2008





望天下人: 心想事成,诸事顺利,人人为我,我为人人。

星期四, 一月 03, 2008

Development frustration

In this new project, i was using Service Facade design pattern to implement Spring + Hibernate.

I wonder why Hibernate Session is always being closed after the program leaves the DAO level.

I am frustrated when trying to manipulate model/models retrieved from DAO by accessing its/their child/children. It always tells me "Session is closed!"

That's really much different than the way i used to do.

Also, i could not manipulate Hibernate Transaction across different calls of services. I could not control when and where to commit or rollback just like what i usually do!

The Common Control also makes me scratching my head a lot! I am still in the process of getting familiar with it. I am now missing much on the traditional Struts + Javascript technique. Anyway, pros and cons always there.

Today bad news came, so, end of this month, have to complete everything! Yeah, another mission impossible!

One sicked, one blinded, one cursed

How can you expect the project to be completed?






星期三, 一月 02, 2008





喜迎元旦, Happy New Year!






Looking back to year 2007, it is a kind of disastrous year for me...

My career remains stagnant. It seems like i can't grow further. I am afraid of this feeling. I had been looking for the reason and found out that my personality is the one that actually restricts myself a lot. Hence I wish could have a total change of environment so that i could start everything new! I resigned. However i was persuaded by my technical director to give myself a chance again at Melaka branch. Now, i am at Melaka branch. I don't feel happier. Even tough it is much more relax than the previous office. Most probably, is due to there are still people i know is here... i have been trying to turn myself another person. However, the tight deadline has once again put me into a bad situation. I ask myself, do i still want to continue this kind of tension life? Take over my dad's business? As a full time freelancer? Join any MNC in the Klang Valley area? I have a dream, that is to be sent to oversea for training. I believe if i weren't to join the current company last time, i would have already been going oversea either for mission or for training for a few times already. I expect the coming job suits my personality, which is patient and less-communicative. I hope my career will be more towards R&D.

On a full 'Yin' day, my dad had passed away. What could be worst than this? Sadly,during the course of seven '7' week, i did not dream of him at all. My sister dreamed of him during his first '7' week. He was in a wonderland, bringing us the whole family to play around. He was happy according to my sister, he in the end hid inside a leave. What does that mean? I hope the answer is positive. I really really hope dad is there. Whoever out there, can YOU give me the answer?
I couldn't forget the moment. My teardrops could not stop falling while i was cleaning his body. Everything is so stiff, and so cold, blood still in his mouth. Dad, i know you did not want to leave, yet the thing turned out this way. What could me, as a son, as a human, do? Sorry for not always being obedient to you, i actually do remember your advises. They are the treasures that you passed to me. They are priceless.

The funds i bought continue to generate good number of income for me. Of course, it shall not be counted as i did not actually sell them. The achievement i am proud of is, i have helped one of my customers to achieve a 30%++ growth in exactly one year time. When he sold the fund, i could feel his excitement! I was so happy for him too! Imagine, let's say one year ago you invested 10k, right now you will get 13k! Don't you get excited? In the coming years, i expect i will invest in more funds, i wish i will choose the right one every time! Same goes for stock market! I am holding a few, i plan to sell one of them which is less stable in the coming future. The rest of the stocks remain lucrative. Loving them...!

I started to lose my health since few years ago. I think that was due to insufficient rest. There are a few sicknesses keep haunting me. There are 3 major ones. I am now trying to get them cured one by one in the coming year. I could not afford to risk my health anymore. My mom and sister need me!

I was thinking about to join US Summer Camp in year 2008. Right now my dad has passed away, do i still need to persist my dream? In fact, i was in the progress of finding suitable camp to join! Now, bad events had passed, shall i be selfish to get away from my family for 3-6 months? They are worried i could not live well over there...

MBA in Finance, shall i continue to pursue this? I really hope to gain more financial knowledge by taking a master. However, one of my friends suggested me to take ACCA instead. How funny? I am considering this option anyway. MBA, the university that offers this course is quite near to the place i stay. However the price is expensive. I would rather take a foreign U one. The best is to go oversea to study! I think i will start looking for scholarship. Again, shall i just leave my mom and sis like that? i guess the answer is, no way! Perhaps i will consider taking a distant leaning MBA programme.

SCJP, oh my god. It's already 2008. I think my ticket is going to expire soon. I really got to move forward asap!